Frequently Asked Questions
Q: Is a PTO membership for each family?
A: Per our Bylaws, Article 3 Section 1
"A maximum of one membership shall be granted to each family unit."
Q: Can family other than Mom and Dad volunteer with Helping Hands?
A: Yes! We welcome all family members.
Q: How do I volunteer for in person on campus activities that involve students like Zebra Cart and Dazzle Days?
A: First, you have to submit a background check with Klein ISD and be cleared to volunteer in person on campus. Then, look for the sign up Genius in the Group Me Chat for the activity you want to participate in.
Q: What happens if I have 2 children in different classes?
A: All teachers will receive credit in the membership drive contest!
Q: How do I stay up to date with what the PTO is doing?
A: Join PTO then request to join our 2023-24 Group Me Chat!